We are located in
Accra: Nyamekie, Darkuman Main Road Mambo Spot Corner
Kumasi: Ashtown, Close to the Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah Witnesses.
Tel: 0546353640 We hope to see you!
Meditation is about uncovering the peace beauty and joy you already have within yourself. That is why, at the request of our teacher Sri Chinmoy, we do not charge for these classes – we feel that in giving them we are only helping you to uncover what you already have.

The Accra Sri Chinmoy Centre has been giving these free introductory courses for the last few years, and in that time a lot of people have learnt the life-transforming art of meditation from our classes.

Everybody is different – some meditation techniques will work for some people and not for others. In our introductory courses we aim to introduce a wide variety of techniques to get you meditating effectively:
- Controlling the breath
- The power of concentration – the key to a good meditation practice
- The power of soulful music – the next best thing to meditation
- Meditating on the heart centre – the core of your being….
- Mantras and mantric songs – an ancient way of tapping into a source of joy that lies within
In addition we will be covering several areas of importance in keeping a solid meditation practice:
- The path of meditation and where it leads to
- How to set up a daily meditation practice and stick to it
- Integrating meditation with your daily life
- Supporting your meditation practice and helping it grow
You don’t need to bring any special equipment with you, the only thing you need is comfortable clothing. To find out details of our next classes, please call 0546353640 or use our contact form.
Site Contact Form
Please fill in your details, and we will get in touch with you shortly.
Video: Vajra Henderson, New York – Becoming disciple of Sri Chinmoy
Some of this article excerpted from dublinmeditation.com